UM Directory

Robert Stubblefield

Director of BFA in Creative Writing

Contact Information

(406) 243-5560
Office Hours:

Monday 2:00-4:00 p.m.; Tuesday2:00-3:00 p.m., Wednesday 1:00-4:00 p.m., Thursday 2:00-4:00 p.m. by appointment only

Personal Website:

Office Address

LA 231
32 Campus Dr MS 6120
Missoula MT, 59812

Robert Stubblefield teaches Creative Writing (fiction and nonfiction) and serves as Director of the BFA in Creative Writing. Robert is the faculty advisor for The Oval, the undergraduate literary magazine at the University of Montana.

Courses Taught

C&I 194: First-Year Seminar

HUSC 194: Humanities First-Year Seminar

CRWR 115: Montana Writers Live!

WRIT 201: College Writing II, Honors

CRWR 234: The Oval Magazine Design Studio

CRWR 320: The Craft of Revision

CRWR 310: Intermediate Fiction Workshop

CRWR 312: Intermeditate Nonfiction Workshop

HONR 391: Water: Interdisicplinary Course offered through Davidson Honors College

CRWR 410: Advanced Fiction Workshop

CRWR 412: Advanced Nonfiction Workshop



Teaching Experience

Summer 2023--Cross-genre Worskhop (virtual), Fishtrap Writers Gathering, Wallowa Lake, Oregon

Summer 2022--Cross-genre Workshop, Fishtrap Writers Gathering, Wallowa Lake, Oregon

Summer 2009--Short Fiction Workshop, Fishtrap Writers Gathering, Wallowa Lake, Oregon

Summer 2005—Co-Director of Summer Creative Writing Institute, Montana Writing Project

Summer 2004 and 2005--Master Teacher, Whittenberger Writing Project, Albertson College of Idaho

Spring 2000--Visiting Writer, Willamette University

Spring 1997--Visiting Writer, Clackamas Community College

Spring 1995--Visiting Writer, Clackamas Community College

Selected Publications


"Easy as Not"--Short story, Talking River Review, Spring 2015 

"Orbits"--Short story, HIgh Desert Journal, Fall 2013

“Self Service”—Short story, The Bear Deluxe, November 2007

“Rank Strangers”—Short story, High Desert Journal, Fall 2006

“Preserves”—Short story, High Desert Journal, Spring 2005, and Best Stories of the American West, Vol. 1, 2007

 “Northern Cross”--Short story, Open Spaces, Spring 2002

 “Lateral Moves”--Short story, Clackamas Literary Review, 1997

 “Hunting Rights”--Short story, Hayden’s Ferry Review, 1994    

“Pragmatists”--Short story, Fishtrap Anthology, 1991, and Dreamers and Desperadoes: Contemporary Fiction of the American West, 1993


"More Than Five Minutes"--The Whitefish Review, Fall 2019

"The Empty Hand of the Wind"--basalt, Fall 2018

"October"--basalt, Spring 2013

"Minding the Store"--High Desert Journal, Spring 2011

"Better Than You Found It"--Your National Forests, Spring 2009

“Everything Changes: An Interview with William Kittredge”—High Desert Journal, Fall 2006

“The Measure of Water”—High Desert Journal, Fall 2005.

“The Country of Your Hands”--Oregon Humanities, 2000

“Life as a Watershed Leader”-- Cascadia Times, 1999, and Oregon Salmon at the Millennium, 2001   

“Weight”--Essay, Left Bank, 1991

Professional Experience

Worked as a Watershed Coordinator for the North Fork John Day Watershed Council from 1997-2002. The  North Fork John Day Watershed Council is a private nonprofit 501c 3 corporation devoted to protecting the ecology of the North and Middle Forks of the John Day River, a watershed encompassing approximately 1.7 million acres in Grant, Morrow, Umatilla, Union and Wheeler Counties in Eastern Oregon.

Robert Stubblefield

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