UM Directory
Mark Kayll
Contact Information
- Department:
- Mathematics
- Email:
- Phone:
- (406) 243-2403
- Office Hours:
Tuesday 1:00--1:50pm, Thursday 12:20--1:10pm, and by appointment
Research Interests
Discrete Mathematics, Optimization, Theoretical Computer Science
Selected Publications
- P.M. Kayll, The Erdös-Faber-Lovász Conjecture: Fifty Exciting Years, Mathematics Magazine, to appear
- D. Johnston, P.M. Kayll, and C. Palmer, Deranged matchings: proofs and conjectures, American Mathematical Monthly 131(2) (2024), 95-111
- P.M. Kayll and M. Morris, On colouring oriented graphs of large girth, Contributions to Discrete Mathematics 18(2) (2023), 234–243
- P.M. Kayll and E. Parsa, Uniquely D-colourable digraphs with large girth II: simplification via generalization, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 28(1) (2021), #P1.48
- P.M. Kayll and D. Perkins, On lengths of burn-off chip-firing games, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 116 (2021), 53–78
- D. Perkins and P.M. Kayll, A chip-firing variation and a Markov chain with uniform stationary distribution, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 68 (2017), 330–345
- P.M. Kayll, Two chromatic conjectures: one for vertices and one for edges, Chapter 11 in Graph Theory – Favorite Conjectures and Open Problems – 1 (R. Gera, S.T. Hedetniemi, and C.E. Larson, eds.), pp. 171–194, Problem Books in Mathematics, Springer International, Switzerland, 2016
- P.M. Kayll, Deranged matchings: enumeration by integration!!, American Mathematical Monthly 122 (2015), 51
- A. Harutyunyan, P.M. Kayll, B. Mohar and L. Rafferty, Uniquely D-colourable digraphs with large girth, Canadian Journal of Mathematics 64 (2012), 1310–1328
- P.M. Kayll, Integrals don’t have anything to do with discrete math, do they?, Mathematics Magazine 84 (2011), 108–119
- P.M. Kayll, König-Egerváry graphs are non-Edmonds, Graphs and Combinatorics 26 (2010), 721–726
- P.M. Kayll, A note on weak Sidon sequences, Discrete Mathematics 299 (2005), 141–144
- D. Bokal, G. Fijavz, M. Juvan, P.M. Kayll and B. Mohar, The circular chromatic number of a digraph, Journal of Graph Theory 46 (2004), 227–240
- S.P. McAlister, A.D. Inglis and P.M. Kayll, Conduction in cosputtered Au-SiO2 films, Physical Review B 31 (1985), 5113–5120
AMS, CMS, MAA, ICA (Elected Member of ICA Council, 2017–2026)
Professional Experience
Supervised/co-supervised the doctoral dissertations of six students; see the Math Genealogy Project for details.
Honors / Awards
- Provost’s Distinguished Faculty Lecturer, 2013
- Carl B. Allendoerfer Award, Mathematical Association of America, 2012
- Canadian Achievers Dinner guest, by invitation of Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau, in the presence of Queen Elizabeth II, on the occasion of the Proclamation of the Constitution Act, 1982
- Governor General’s Bronze Medal, Canada, 1981