UM Directory
Jinyang Du
Research Scientist
Contact Information
- Department:
- Ntsg-kimball
- Email:
- Phone:
- (406) 243-5522
Research Interests
My research focuses on the quantitative inversion of land surface parameters, including Freeze/Thaw state,soil moisture and snow water equivalent, using remote sensing techniques. An accurate mapping of these parameters at regional and global scales will help to gain deeper insights into the Earth's water, carbon and energy cycles.
Field of Study
Microwave remote sensing; Hydrology; Ecology; GIS
Selected Publications
(1) Du, J., Kimball J. S., Duguay C., Kim Y., and Watts J. D. Satellite microwave assessment of Northern Hemisphere lake ice phenology from 2002 to 2015, The Cryosphere, 01/2017, Volume 11, p.47-63, (2017)
(2) J. Du, J.S. Kimball, L.A. Jones, J.D. Watts. Implementation of satellite based fractional water cover indices in the pan-Arctic region using AMSR-E and MODIS. Remote Sensing of Environment 184, 469-481 (2016)
(3) Du, Jinyang, John S. Kimball, and Lucas A. Jones. Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture Based on Dynamic Vegetation Scattering Properties for AMSR-E. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume 54, Issue 1,p. 597-608, (2016).
(4) Du, J. ; Kimball, J.S. ; Azarderakhsh, M. ; Dunbar, R.S. ; Moghaddam, M. ; McDonald, K.C. Classification of Alaska Spring Thaw Characteristics Using Satellite L-Band Radar Remote Sensing. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume 53, Issue 1, p.542 - 556, (2015).
(5) Du, Jinyang, A method to improve satellite soil moisture retrievals based on Fourier analysis, Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L15404, doi:10.1029/2012GL052435, 2012.
(6) Jinyang Du, Jiancheng Shi, Helmut Rott Comparison between a Multi-scattering and Multi-layer Snow Scattering Model and its Parameterized Snow Backscattering Model, Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 114 (2010), 1089-1098.
(7) Jiancheng Shi, T. Jackson, J. Tao, J. Du, R. Bindlish, L. Lu, K.S. Chen,Microwave vegetation indices for short vegetation covers from satellite passive microwave sensor AMSR-E, Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 112, Issue 12, 15 December 2008, Pages 4285-4300.
(8) JacksonT.J., Cosh M. H., Bindlish R., Starks P. J., Bosch D. D., Seyfried M., Goodrich D. C., Moran M. S., Du J., Validation of Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer Soil Moisture Products, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Dec. 2010,48:12, 4256 – 4272.
Dataset Publication
Du, J., J.S. Kimball, and J.D. Watts. 2016. ABoVE: Fractional Open Water Cover for Pan-Arctic and ABoVE-Domain Regions, 2002-2015. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.
Jinyang Du, John S. Kimball and Claude Duguay. 2017. Daily Lake Ice Phenology Data Record Time Series Derived from AMSR-E and AMSR2, Version 1 (2002-2015). The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) (In process).
Peer Reviewed Papers
(1) Du, J., Kimball J. S., Duguay C., Kim Y., and Watts J. D. Satellite microwave assessment of Northern Hemisphere lake ice phenology from 2002 to 2015, , The Cryosphere, 01/2017, Volume 11, p.47-63, (2017)
(2) J. Du, J.S. Kimball, L.A. Jones, J.D. Watts. Implementation of satellite based fractional water cover indices in the pan-Arctic region using AMSR-E and MODIS. Remote Sensing of Environment 184, 469-481 (2016)
(3) Du, Jinyang, John S. Kimball, and Lucas A. Jones. Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture Based on Dynamic Vegetation Scattering Properties for AMSR-E. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume 54, Issue 1,p. 597-608, (2016).
(4) Du, Jinyang, John S. Kimball, and Mahta Moghaddam. Theoretical Modeling and Analysis of L-and P-band Radar Backscatter Sensitivity to Soil Active Layer Dielectric Variations. Remote Sensing 7.7, p.9450-9472, (2015).
(5) Du, J., Kimball J. S., and Jones L. A., Satellite Microwave Retrieval of Total Precipitable Water Vapor and Surface Air Temperature Over Land From AMSR2, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,Volume 53, Issue 5, p.2520 - 2531, (2015)
(6) Du, J. ; Kimball, J.S. ; Azarderakhsh, M. ; Dunbar, R.S. ; Moghaddam, M. ; McDonald, K.C. Classification of Alaska Spring Thaw Characteristics Using Satellite L-Band Radar Remote Sensing. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume 53, Issue 1, p.542 - 556, (2015).
(7) Du, J., Kimball J. S., Shi J. C., Jones L. A., Wu S., Sun R., and Yang H., Inter-Calibration of Satellite Passive Microwave Land Observations from AMSR-E and AMSR2 Using Overlapping FY3B-MWRI Sensor Measurements, , Remote Sensing, 09/2014, Volume 6, p.8594–8616, (2014).
(8) Jinyang Du; Jiancheng Shi; Qiang Liu; Lingmei Jiang, Refinement of Microwave Vegetation Index Using Fourier Analysis for Monitoring Vegetation Dynamics, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, IEEE, vol.10, no.5, pp.1205,1208, Sept. 2013 doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2012.2236297.
(9) Du, Jinyang, Qiang Liu, 2013: Satellite Detection of Spatial Distribution and Temporal Changes of Surface Soil Moisture at Three Gorges Dam Region from 2003 to 2011. Earth Interact., 17, 1–13. doi:
(10) Du, Jinyang, A method to improve satellite soil moisture retrievals based on Fourier analysis, Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L15404, doi:10.1029/2012GL052435, 2012.
(11) Jinyang Du ; Thomas J. Jackson ; Rajat Bindlish ; Michael H. Cosh ; Li Li, et al.Effect of dew on aircraft-based passive microwave observations over an agricultural domain, J. Appl. Remote Sens. 6(1), 2012.
(12) Jinyang Du, Jiancheng Shi, A Method to Rebuild Historical Satellite-Derived Soil Moisture Products Based on Retrievals from Current L-Band Satellite Missions, IEEE Geosci. Remote Sensing Lett., 9(5): 910-914 (2012).
(13) Jinyang Du, Jiancheng Shi,The Development of HJ SAR Soil Moisture Retrieval Algorithm, International Journal of Remote Sensing, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 31, Issue 14 April 2010 , pages 3691 - 3705.
(14) Jinyang Du, Jiancheng Shi, Helmut Rott Comparison between a Multi-scattering and Multi-layer Snow Scattering Model and its Parameterized Snow Backscattering Model, Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 114 (2010), 1089-1098.
(15) Jinyang Du, Jiancheng Shi ,Saibun Tjuatja, Chen Kunshan. A Combined Method to Model Microwave Scattering from a Forest Medium, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing , April 2006, Volume 44(4), 815 – 824.
(16) Mahmood, R., Pielke Sr., R. A. Hubbard, et al. Impacts of land use land cover change on climate and future research priorities,Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2010, 91:1, 37-46.
(17) Jiancheng Shi, T. Jackson, J. Tao, J. Du, R. Bindlish, L. Lu, K.S. Chen,Microwave vegetation indices for short vegetation covers from satellite passive microwave sensor AMSR-E, Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 112, Issue 12, 15 December 2008, Pages 4285-4300.
(18) JacksonT.J., Cosh M. H., Bindlish R., Starks P. J., Bosch D. D., Seyfried M., Goodrich D. C., Moran M. S., Du J., Validation of Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer Soil Moisture Products, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Dec. 2010,48:12, 4256 – 4272.
(19) Yongqian Wang, Jiancheng Shi, Jinyang Du, The development of algorithm for enhancing and matching resolution of the satellite measurements from AMSR-E, Science China: Earth Sciences, March 2011,54:3,410-419.
(20) L. Jiang, J. Shi, S. Tjuajua, K. S. Chen, J. Du, L., Zhang, The Estimation of Snow Water Equivalence using the Polarimetric Scanning Radiometer from the Cold Land Processes Experiments (CLPX03), IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2011,8:2,359-363.
(21) Ying Guo, Jiancheng Shi, Jinyang Du, Xiuli Fu, Evaluation of Terrain effect on Microwave Radiometer Measurement and Its Correction, International Journal of Remote Sensing,Vol. 32, Iss. 24, 2011.
(22) Chen, Y., K. Yang, J. He, J. Qin, J. Shi, J. Du, and Q. He (2011), Improving land surface temperature modeling for dry land of China, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D20104, doi:10.1029/2011JD015921.
(23) Dongping Ming ; Jinyang Du ; Xiyu Zhang and Tiantian Liu. Modified average local variance for pixel-level scale selection of multiband remote sensing images and its scale effect on image classification accuracy, J. Appl. Remote Sens. 7(1), 073565 (May 09, 2013). ;
(24) Dongping Ming, Tianyu Ci, Hongyue Cai, Longxiang Li, Cheng Qiao, Jinyang Du: Semivariogram-Based Spatial Bandwidth Selection for Remote Sensing Image Segmentation With Mean-Shift Algorithm. IEEE Geosci. Remote Sensing Lett. 9(5): 813-817 (2012).
(25) Liu Q, Du J Y, Shi J C, et al. Analysis of spatial distribution and multi-year trend of the remotely sensed soil moisture on the Tibetan Plateau. Science China: Earth Sciences, 2013, doi: 10.1007/s11430-013-4700-8.
(26) Mahmood, Rezaul; Pielke, Roger A.; Hubbard, Kenneth G.; Niyogi, Dev; Dirmeyer, Paul A.; McAlpine, Clive; Carleton, Andrew M.; Hale, Robert; Gameda, Samuel; Beltrán-Przekurat, Adriana; Baker, Bruce; McNider, Richard; Legates, David R.; Shepherd, Marshall; Du, Jinyang; Blanken, Peter D.; Frauenfeld, Oliver W.; Nair, U.S.; Fall, Souleymane. 2013. Land cover changes and their biogeophysical effects on climate. International Journal of Climatology.
(27) Peng Guo; Jiancheng Shi; Qiang Liu; Jinyang Du, "A New Algorithm for Soil Moisture Retrieval With L-Band Radiometer," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol.6, no.3, pp.1147,1155, June 2013 doi: 10.1109/JSTARS.2013.2244852.
(28) Jiancheng Shi, Yang Du, Jinyang Du, Lingmei Jiang, Linna Chai, Kebiao Mao, Peng Xu, Wenjian Ni, Chuan Xiong, Qiang Liu, Chenzhou Liu, Peng Guo, Qian Cui, Yunqing Li, Jing Chen, Anqi Wang, Hejia Luo, Yinhui Wang, Progresses on microwave remote sensing of land surface parameters, Science China: Earth Sciences, 55(7), 1052-1078, 2012.
(29) Yuanliu Xu,Jiancheng Shi, Jinyang Du, An Improved Endmember Selection Method Based on Vector Length for MODIS Reflectance Channels, Remote Sensing; 7(5):6280-6295,2015.
(30) Qian Cui, Jiancheng Shi, Jinyang Du, Tianjie Zhao, Chuan Xiong, An Approach for Monitoring Global Vegetation Based on Multiangular Observations From SMOS, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing,8(2):1-13,2015. DOI:10.1109/JSTARS.2015.2388698 .
(31) Kim, Youngwook, John S. Kimball, Joseph Glassy, and Jinyang Du. An extended global Earth system data record on daily landscape freeze-thaw status determined from satellite passive microwave remote sensing. Earth System Science Data, no. 1 (2017): 133.
(32) A, Geruo; Velicogna, Isabella; Kimball, John; Du, Jinyang; Kim, Youngwook; Colliander, Andreas; Njoku, Eni. Satellite-observed changes in vegetation sensitivities to surface soil moisture and total water storage variations since the 2011 Texas drought. Environmental Research Letters, 2017.
Professional Experience
Oct., 2012- Present Research Scientist at University of Montana
Jan., 2010 – Aug.2015 Associate Researcher at Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Jun., 2006 – Dec. 2009 Assistant Researcher at Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Apr. 2006 – Oct., 2007 Visiting Scientist at USDA-ARS Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory, USA
Honors / Awards
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society 2015 Highest Impact Paper Award
Third prize of Science China (Earth Sciences) “Year 2016 Best Paper Prize”